
Archive for February, 2016


Zoinks, how did January fly by very quickly like that?

An update in outline form:

  1. I am back to full form in writing class, having run one session and resolving to continue fleshing my characters out scene by scene before graduating to plot outlining.
  2. I bought an Agatha Christie book with four novels in it: Murder on the Orient Express (read it already and watched the film); Cards on the Table (currently reading this with an acute awareness of how Agatha Christie lays down the plot, events, characters, overall plot—who knows, I just may manage a whodunnit someday fingers crossed!); Five Little Pigs (unread); and Hercule Poirot’s Christmas (unsure if I’ve read that or not—if I see the plot twist a mile away, then I will have read it as a teenager—because I have NEVER guessed any of her plot twists that I remember. NEVER). 4 novels in a hardbound book and ONLY 1 GBP at the Glossop Labour Club. Maaaagic.
  3. The 30 plus year old catfish who is my current roommate is restless. Yes, it is older than I am, and has cataracts. The husband is worried about its stress levels and bought a 30 pound filter to clean the murky water it has lived in since the the 80s. Before this catfish, our roommate in Cyprus had been that lovely striped weaver spider we called Julia, bless her silky gossamer laden life RIP.
  4. I have auditioned twice in two months, and await the result of the latest one (part farce, play within a play. fingers crossed). I love the idea of being on stage again. The adrenaline of it, the mandated pretense, the excitement of being someone else, the cooperation amongst the entire crew…! Found a more youthful, fresh-faced group as well I like their attitude and their optimism. They’ll be hearing from me a lot.
  5. I have been asked to be a regular contributor for a publication back in Cyprus. I am chuffed to bits about being asked. This is my forte, this—writing, proofreading, putting together a picture with words. I can’t wait.

2016 has so far been a sluggish start but it means I can only build more momentum and surprise myself in a nice way as I go along.


Est sularus oth mithas.

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